Winsley Bowls Club Tour Torquay 2022

On Friday 1st September 2023 , 19 people boarded our coach and set off for a bowling weekend to Sidmouth, Devon. We were lucky with the weather as it was a bright and sunny day.
After a comfort stop we arrived at Honiton Bowling Club for our first match. We received a warm welcome and our bowlers were well matched on the green finishing 2-2 on the day.
We waved goodbye and continued to the The Kingswood Hotel, Sidmouth, where we were staying for the next 3 nights. A luxurious Hotel right on the seafront of Sidmouth. The food was fantastic, I had to check to make sure it was included in the price.
Day 2, started with another beautiful calm sunny morning. After breakfast, it was time for a bit a shopping. Of course, we stopped for cream tea too. We returned in time to change and walk around to Sidmouth Bowling Club. We met a very friendly bunch and managed to win 3 games and draw 1. After drinks and chat we made our way back to our Hotel for another fantastic evening meal.ning meal.
Day 3, and yet another sunny day. The more energetic of us, took a walk along the seafront up Jacobs Ladder into Connaught Gardens where we admired the sea views and cool breeze. We returned in time to change and board our coach to Seaton Bowling Club.
Another warm welcome. The green was terrific, the best we played on all weekend, only renewed the previous year. This time is was 2-2 But we all thoroughly enjoyed the game.
Day 4, dawned another bright sunny day. We boarded our coach homeward, stopping at Shepton Mallett Bowling Club on route. After a re-shuffle of players we played 6 rinks of triples with Winsley winning 4-2. We had a super day and so impressed them that they are returning for a re-match with us on May 18th.
My thanks to everyone who supported this tour and making it a success. I’m glad you enjoyed it and look forward to the 2024 Tour.